Terms of Use

Terms of Use

The images on this site are available as part of my collection and research into Robert Hughes miniature paintings. They are not being used for monetry gain or any other reason.

The pictures shown in "My Collection" are NOT for sale.

The pictures shown in "A Private Collection" are NOT for sale.

The pictures shown from auctions or other sources are generally already sold and you will need to search the appropriate auctions etc to see when they become available for sale again.

I will not be held responsible for any inaccurate data.

The Robert Hughes Miniatures website is subject to change and updates without notice.

The use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk, for which I, Jane Snell, will not be held liable. It is your responsibility to ensure that any information is correct and meets your specific requirements.

The use of this website and accessing any links to other websites is entirely at your own risk, for which I Jane Snell, will not be held liable. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have suitable up to date antivirus software on your computer and that your computer is fit for purpose.

The use of this website and any dispute arising out of such use is subject to the laws of England and Wales.

Appropriate permissions have been obtained from The Lee Miniature Collection and Elizabeth Johnson for the use of images and information that they have supplied.  Any pictures listed as in The Lee Miniature Collection that you wish to copy, permission MUST be obtained from The Lee Miniature Collection to use them.

I do my best to post the best pictures, but not all pictures are of the quality I would like, as I have to rely on what is posted for auction for many of them or the quality of picture that is sent to me. 

Finally, apart from all the red tape, I hope you enjoy browsing the website.